Saturday, February 1, 2020

RAEGAN: Six Months Old

RICHLAND, WASH. -- Six months old! Wow, did that fly! I still think of Raegan as our newborn. Yet she says "mama" and "dada" and clearly is trying to communicate with us constantly. To say she is delightful is a vast understatement. She is the BEST baby, always happy, chill and just DELIGHTFUL! 

  • 16.25 lbs (50th percentile)
  • 27" (86th percentile)
  • 17.7" HC (97th percentile)
EATING: Has tried pears, applesauce, peaches, green beans, butternut squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, loves sucking on bread crusts, crackers, veggie straws. Protests loudly when we try to take away any finger foods from her. Has discovered that she can drink from Britta's sippy cup (Camelbak waterbottle) and goes to town with it when she can get her hands on it.  

SLEEPING: Solid morning naps, solid afternoon naps. Most days. Sleeps pretty well at nighttime. Wakes up once in the middle of the night sometimes, but not every night. Is always awake by 6 or 6:30, but will go back to sleep for another hour or two usually. Is often woken up from at least one of her naps everyday for school pickup or drop-off.   

WEARING: Six month clothes, some nine months too. 

INTERESTING TIDBITS:  She's been teething for the past few months. Slobbering a ton. Thinking a bottom tooth will pop up sometime soon. 

Loves playing on her tummy. Rolls all over the place. 

I lose hundreds of hairs on my head daily from her strong grasp. 

Likes to give slobbery kisses. 

In her new Ariel dress. 

Britta loves to feed her most of all.

Though Raegan's grip is much stronger than Britta's and Raegan will usually grab the spoon away from Britta and try to feed herself. 

Passport photo for our upcoming trip to Germany

Isaac can get Raegan laughing harder than anyone. It's my favorite sound. 

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