Saturday, November 1, 2008

Life is Funny...

This moment in my life seemed so long ago. I look so smug, like I knew exactly what I was doing, where I was going, and how I was going to get there. It's funny how only months later everything is completely different. Now, I'm not doing anything close to what I had planned, and I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm completely clueless why I ended up here... far away from my dreams. Life is funny.

I've prided myself in my single, young-adult, careless, independent life in having adventures. The "adventure" I'm currently partaking in has seemed to hit a lot of bumpy roads, but it is an adventure nonetheless... and I'm sure it's far from over. Perhaps I'll start taking this blogging thing more seriously so I can share my random thoughts along the way...


Tiffanie said...

I'm so proud of you for blogging! Go you! I hope everything is getting better. I am thinking about you a lot, and hoping for the best. You deserve the world. Don't forget it! And remember, it's YOUR life, live it!

Alicia said...

Hey Andrea!!

I am so glad you got my blog!! I miss you! I hope you are doing great! I haven't seen you in the longest time!! WOW!! Love ya!

Erin S said...

Are you actually going to start blogging????