Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wear Sunscreen

PHOENIX, ARIZ.-- The year I graduated from high school, the big graduation song on the radio was "Wear Sunscreen."  Remember that one? It's not really a song, but just some guy giving all sorts of life advice, the prominent one, obviously, being to wear sunscreen.

Well, this past weekend I took a walk down memory lane with two of my favorite high school friends, Jill and Sommer. We met up in Phoenix to celebrate Jill's engagement, and were quickly reminded how important it is to follow the advice of the man in our graduation song to wear sunscreen. The Arizona sun is pretty brutal this time of year. Brutal. BRUTAL. And thus, after listening to it for the first time in years, we decided this song really does offer a lot of great advice... 

I was reminded that this line from the song holds a lot of wisdom in it, "Understand that friends come and go, but for the precious few you should hold on.  Work hard to bridge the gaps and geography and lifestyle, because the older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young."  I sure love these ladies and have tremendously appreciated their friendship over the years... 

Jill, Sommer and Me
Also... congrats to the happy couple!

And "trust me on the sunscreen."


Xoxo Grandma said...

Super cute photos of you with Jill & Sommer. I'm so glad you got to take that trip to AZ and especially that you came home too.

Chelita said...

Thanks again for coming! It was so fun to see you! You girls are simply AMAZING! And thanks for the reminder of the sunscreen- I'll have to keep that in mind!

Alicia said...

I wish we could have seen you down here!! Glad you had fun!!

Sommer and Eric said...

Oh this blog post is of such a tender nature! That was such a fun trip and worth every penny! As far as the sunscreen, forgot dat!!! I am past the painful stage, also past the extremely itchy phase and we are now peeling! :)

Jordan said...

I was thinking about this song just the other day. Thanks for sharing.