Monday, September 12, 2011

Happy Birthday TWO you!

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- I feel like my blog recently has turned into one of those "mommy blogs" that some people find slightly annoying.  While I don't apologize, I whole heartedly admit that I quite enjoy being an aunt.  So, for the time being we can dub this an "aunty blog" until further notice.

This little guy (my oldest nephew) turned TWO today. And even though he can't yet read, I wanted to give him a birthday shout-out.


One day he won't think it's so cool to hang out with his aunt, so I have to have fun with it while I can.  This video is kind of random, but it cracks me up.  This particular night at dinner he was told he had two options, so in the video he is trying to explain them, before he gets distracted by practicing his emotions. Check it out: 

I Skyped with him on Sunday and he politely demanded, "Aunt Andewa come to Michael's house!"  Oh how I wish I could take vacations there more often.


Amy Lovell said...

Oh my gosh, that is hilarious! I so wish I could go play with him right now. Love that little man.

Brittany said...

That was super cute.

Rob said...

from Lorena: Thanks for all the videos. I'm glad you are not ashamed to have an auntie blog.
I hope you don't mind that I am going to steal all of these to post on my blog also one of these days.

Xoxo Grandma said...

Love love LOVE all your auntie videos!