Friday, March 27, 2009

Tools and Personality

I watched the following news story on MSNBC while at work a few weeks ago and couldn't stop thinking about how adorable this kid is during the interview.  It's obvious the anchor is just as smitten with him.  It took me awhile to find the clip online to show everyone... but here it is...  I finally found it!  If only we all had so much "tools and personality" to offer the workplace... and let's not forget about Steve...  Please, watch this.  It's darling!


Joshua and Joy said...

That was really cute. "tools and personality" huh? I love it. It's cute how he says, "Actually, I'm a cheap kid." Funny!

Chelita said...

That made my night! Thank you for putting it on your blog so that I could enjoy it! SO CUTE!

Rob said...

I totally would NOT hire this kid. He never even said was tools he had.

Tiffanie said...

What an adorable story. Thanks for sharing it.

The Lara Family said...

I don't agree with Rob. I would hire him if he lived by me. He only charges $5.00/hr and I bet he would be a really hard worker.

becky said...


Rachel just sent me a link to your blog and I LOVE THIS! This kid puts me to shame!!!! I'm taking notes: "I bring tools and personality."

Thanks for sharing and have a happy day!

Clayton and Camea said...

okay girlie! What's new with you? A Little blogity udapte? (The kids cute, I admire his spunk!)