Saturday, December 19, 2009

Home for the Holidays... FINALLY

SANDY, UT -- My route home for Christmas this year took a few twists and turns.
First, this happened:...Followed by a day of chaos and angry travelers at the airport. Here's the scene about mid-way through one of the longest lines I've ever waited in at any airport ever:
After three hours of waiting in line, my departure time rapidly approaching, and no where near the ticket agents, I finally called Delta's 1-800#... only to be told, that for some reason I had been bumped from my seat and put on stand-by. WHAT?! Can they even do that?! And I wasn't alone. Several people from my church were on the same flight, and they too got bumped... and rescheduled for another day, most on Christmas Eve or later... even though our original flight was scheduled to leave without a hitch. I was livid. I demanded an earlier departure time. The closest and earliest one they could find: 6:45 a.m. out of Richmond. So, I hitched a ride on my very own Polar Express (aka Amtrak) that just happened to be delayed 3 hours. Fun fact: The conductor really yells, "All aboard!" as you board the train. I am such a naive train rider.
And here is the silver lining in all of it. Because I got rerouted to Richmond, I got to hang out with this cute, little guy:

It was hard saying goodbye, but now I am home... safe and sound. Finally. Only three days late. And it is snowing here. I was hoping to have left that nasty white stuff behind in DC.


Tiffanie said...

We'll have to try to get together sometime lady! Give me a call... I'm glad you're in town.

Amy said...

Glad you made it home, Christmas sure would be boring without you.

Brittany said...

We miss you already! Enjoy being at home for Christmas for us!