Thursday, December 26, 2013

Introducing Our Baby Girl

BOSTON, MASS. -- On Sunday, December 15 at 6:42 p.m., in the middle of a massive New England snowstorm, Isaac and I welcomed this cute little girl into the world.

Meet Marin Jean Reeve. She's named after a special place with deep meaning to the Candrian family; and after Isaac's grandmother, a tremendously talented, gracious woman, who passed away a few years ago. Marin weighed 8 pounds and measured 20.5 inches long. We are so glad she's finally here, safe, healthy and happy.
Just four days old in this photo
Overjoyed dad gazing at his daughter a few minutes after her birth 
Proud, tired mom just moments after Marin was born
Marin was a week late, so I was induced Sunday morning, after checking in to the hospital Saturday afternoon before a big snowstorm hit the region. They started me on some kind of pill Saturday to get the process going (since I had not progressed at all), and boy did it work!  After a sleepless night of ridiculously painful contractions every minute and a half, I got an epidural (how does anyone give birth without one?!)... wondering why on earth I didn't ask for one sooner. After a day of slow but steady progress, the doctor popped in around 5:30 to check my progression and she gleefully announced, "Are you ready to start pushing?!"  I wasn't expecting it to happen just like that, and it kind of freaked me out a bit, but moments later I was pushing. And less than an hour later our little girl made her big debut into the world.  She sure is a sweet little thing. We are so glad she's ours, though it hardly seems real.  Christmas was extra special this year with Marin in our home.  What a tremendous reminder of our Savior's birth.


Lorena said...

from Lorena: I can't wait to meet her! She looks like a gorgeous baby.

Eloquent Obi said...

beautiful and welcome to the world Marin! Continued blessings!

The Hargretts said...

She is so adorable! Those little cheeks and fingers make me swoon. Congratulations to you both and I hope mom and baby are still doing well!

Amy Lovell said...

I just love her and need to see her immediately. Somehow I'm going to make that happen.