RICHLAND, WASH. -- The other day I was getting Marin dressed when it hit me how much she's grown. The labels on her clothes now say, "Toddler" in them. I may have gone into mourning for a few moments over the fact that my baby is officially gone. We've more or less got a toddler (can we just call it "baby-toddler") on our hands now.
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Kicking a soccer ball with her daddy. |
Eleven Month Stats:
- 23 lbs.
- 32 inches tall
Sleeping: Wakes up at 5:30 a.m. Sometimes she goes back to sleep.
Wearing: 12 -18 month old stuff. Our favorite thing to have her wear lately are pom pom hats. Its been cold here lately, so we've been having her wear them a lot. They are so cute on her. Tricks and New Skills/Interesting tidbits:
- Walking like a champ. She hasn't crawled in over a month.
- Now that she can walk a bit sturdier, she has gotten pretty good at kicking around the soccer ball. It's pretty cute.
- She still loves her books more than anything. She pulls them out of her book basket one by one until she finds the one she wants and then will look at it by herself or bring it to Isaac or I to read it to her.
- Every Wednesday morning we've been going to Baby Reading Time at the Richland Library. As soon as we get to the reading area, I'll put her down and she'll wander around the reading circle and point to all the other little kids. She loves kids.
- New words she likes to say:
- Baby
- When we ask her what a snake says she'll promptly answer, "Sss," which sometimes sounds more like, "Thh."
- The poor girl developed a runny nose on Halloween which still hasn't gone away. Its inevitable that whenever she gets a cold it'll always turn into ear infections. Poor girl. You'd never know she was sick and in pain though because she's always so happy and energetic.
- She's starting to figure out how things fit together. She has some tub stacking toys and has recently figured out how they fit inside each other. Its fun watching her figure it all out.
Marin's first Halloween. We were so festive.
Wearing a coat and hat that used to be mine. Isn't she such a doll?!
Oh my, the last photo reminds me of you & Brittany in your coats.
she's the best.
from Lorena: Ahh, she's so cute! And acting like a toddler already even though she is only 11 months old! Lucky you, getting to the fun parts early. I'm happy I got to see her walking in action the other day on FaceTime.
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