WASHINGTON, D.C. -- HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MOM!!!! No matter where I am in the world I can always depend on one person to make me feel like I'm not so far from home. It just takes one phone call, or a goofy email, and my mom makes me feel like she's just around the corner, and not so far away after all. She's made many long road trips with me, from Utah to Washington state, and all the way to Florida. What a trooper! Even though I know it's the last thing she ever wants to do, she always takes me shopping when I come home, even though she
knows I do
not need any more clothes. She's also the world's best chef... and isn't afraid to try out new recipes on us, (much to my dad's dismay). She's one of the most creative, artistic, and giving people I have ever known. I still have a lot to learn from her. I'm afraid I'll never reach the level of greatness that she has set for each one of her kids. I'm afraid of disappointing her, so I always try harder to succeed at whatever I do. She's a good motivator! I am so thankful God knew what he was doing when he decided she could be my mom.
She's also really good at coming to visit on a consistent basis with my dad. This picture is from their most recent visit during the inauguration. Isn't she so cute?!
Thankfully she and I are headed on a week long excursion through Florida in a few weeks, where scarves, hats, and cold weather can be left far behind. I can't wait to hang out on the Florida coast enjoying my mom's company for a few days where I will have her undivided attention... so please, no one call her that week with any pressing problems.
I also can't help but think of this lady on Mother's Day...
This is my Grandma Candrian. (For some reason I only have old pictures of her on my computer). I guess redheads seem to have a strong motherly influence in my life. My Grandma was one of my favorite people in the world. Just like a true red head she was firey and sassy, and no thanks to her several people in my family have inherited those traits (geez, thanks Grams)!
My siblings and I spent a lot of time at her house growing up. Grandma's pool was the place to be when it got hot outside. And every Christmas Amy, Brittany, Kent and I would help her make gingerbread cookies. Boy do we have some fun memories of putting gingerbread dough in random places outside, and then watching it bake throughout summer. (really, who does that?) When I grew up and went off to college, I still talked to her on a weekly basis. In fact, one of my most fond college memories (and I have a lot) was during my last semester at BYU. I had an internship up in Salt Lake City at KSL every weekend, and every Friday night when my work was done she would take me out to dinner. I will never forget the fun we had! I miss her a ton! So... to two of my favorite red heads... Happy Mother's Day!!!